As set out in the NB Education Act of 2001, a Parent School Support Committee (PSSC) is a school community group having an advisory relationship with the school principal. Each PSSC is a 6-12 member committee with the majority of the members being parents who are elected at a school election in September. One teacher is also elected by the school staff to sit on the committee, as well as a Home and School representative, a student, and any community members the committee wishes to appoint.

The Parent School Support Committee is a three year term of office for parent members and a one year term of office for other members. A seat may become vacant throughout the school year if a member:

► dies or resigns.

► was an eligible parent when elected but whose child is no longer enrolled at that school.

► contravenes the Education Act or regulations.

► is convicted of an indictable offence.

► becomes an employee of that school.

► misses 3 meetings in a 12-month period without good reason.

Parent School Support Committees meetings are established through the chair and principal of the school. The chair and the principal also set the agenda. The principal must attend all meetings and the District Education Council member representing the school may optionally attend. There must be a quorum at meetings for decisions to be made. All meetings are open meetings.​

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Parent School Support Committee Members

NorvalMcConnellDEC Representative